The future of autonomous aviation.


Pleasanton, CA

We're helping create the future of UAVs.

Our competition team in front of the team tents at AUVSI SUAS 2022

AUVSI SUAS Competition

AUVSI's premier collegiate-level autonomous UAV competition. Our team's primary focus.

Our streaming setup for Amador Valley High School's class of 2022 graduation

AVHS Drone Streaming

Our project to provide real-time sports broadcasts and other event footage from the air.

One of our software members coding

PX4 Contribution

Our team is highly active within the PX4 open source autopilot community, making regular contributions to the Dronecode ecosystem.

A good drone team needs great engineers.

One of our software members coding
Two of our members collaborating during a flight

Software Division

Learn how to interact with and use industry-standard UAV APIs, build advanced path planning and navigation systems, and more.

The frame of one of our drones
Our electromechanical members working on payload assembly

Electromechanical Division

Get hands-on experience designing and building robust, versatile autonomous vehicles.

One of our business members networking with sponsors
One of our members showcasing our club to others at our local middle school

Business Division

Gain valuable experience interacting with sponsors and companies to secure funding and build business relationships.

Sponsor Us

Our sponsors make this team possible. Find out how you can help us.


© 2018 - 2023